Sunday, April 29, 2012

Comic Book Tesseract 2012.04.24

Jason once again takes the reins and discusses the last issue of G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes before its title changes, the new title change for Captain America and Hawkeye, formerly known as Captain America and Bucky. Cap's solo title is also tackled this week. All Star Western heads into Night of Owls, just how far back does the court's history in Gotham go? Batman The Dark Knight has a one shot story before diving into the Night of Owls, is this a good filler story? Near Death begins its new arc and delves deeper into redemption, it it worth the trip? Jason returns to reading Wolverine, is it a worthwhile bloody tale? Plus the big Marvel event Avengers vs. X-Men crosses into Uncanny X-Men and gives birth to VS; has Marvel made these worth picking up as part of the main event?
Plus don't forget Free Comic Book Day is May 5th 2012 so stop by your local comic shop.

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